Free Therapy Initiative

Project Blackbird is partnering with Talkspace to provide free therapy for all college student audiences.

Free Therapy Initiative

Project Blackbird is partnering with Talkspace to provide free therapy for all college student audiences.

PROJECT BLACKBIRD Inc. is excited to announce our FREE Therapy Initiative with our partner TalkSpace!
In an effort to prioritize mental health and well-being, we want to provide our students additional support with Talkspace online therapy.
Talkspace is a digital mental health service that connects members to thousands of dedicated providers from a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform. With Talkspace therapy, you can send your therapist text, voice or video messages—anytime, anywhere—including from the comfort of your home. Live sessions are also available.
Students, ages 18 and over, who are in the PROJECT BLACKBIRD event audience, will have access to online therapy at no cost for an entire year! This includes unlimited messaging, as well as one live session with your Talkspace therapist each month. By being in our PROJECT BLACKBIRD audience you will receive a special code to register for this gift.When you are ready to sign up, click “Get Started” at
Talkspace communication is confidential and secure. Your information will remain private, and we will never know who uses the service or for what purpose.
If you have any questions about Talkspace, you can reach out to for more information.
Your support directly goes towards the free therapy initiative to allow us to provide free therapy for Project Blackbirds Student Audiences

Donate to #ShedShame

Will you join the Blackbird Flock with a gift today?
All gifts help support our mission to provide awareness and resources to all communities.
A gift of just $30/month will provide a free monthly therapy session for an entire year to a Blackbird attendee.

You can also donate to PROJECT BLACKBIRD through Venmo by finding us through @projectblackbirdinc.

Please contact us if you have any issues or concerns. 

NOLAN TESONE (he/him/his)
Vice President of Education Partnerships